Spring Cleaning...
Dating is fun! I have downgraded somewhat, with good results. Here's the latest:
- Last week I had the worst. date. ever. Quickly forgotten, the immediately subsequent serendipitous salve was an ego-rejuvenating visit with one of my favorite co-conspirators (aka: I went over to his soho loft and we watched bad movies and laughed our asses off.) We have had a mutually acknowledged fascination with each other since November. I adore this one. Go go gadget Rebound!
- A crush I had on an artist has dissipated, but we are evolving into a collaborative entity: I will take over certain parcels of NYC, and he's going to inject it with awesome art. Perfect.
- I have two dates set up for Sunday and Tuesday with someone I have not yet met. I know it's not kosher, but our flirty telephone conversation (he is currently in CA) helped to dissolve doubts about pre-emptively setting up a second date before the first had occurred... I'll let you know how it works out.
- There was a new one this week-- a lawyer who was good in all the right ways-- smart, funny, chivalrous-- but I didn't feel that spark of attraction, which sadly happens.
- Two more new ones are in the hopper.
- I have finally, thankfully snuffed out the persistent pervasive candle I was holding for this one supersonic human. It is SO over that he's coming to get his cat tonight.
- Lesson learned: with correct alignment, revisiting something lovely from the past can feel just right. Timing is both fleeting and everything.